Posts in Healthcare Policy
Canadian Insight and How Can Hospital Networks Innovate? (Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, Danina Kapetanović)

Integrated Health and Social Services University Network for West-Central Montreal (CIUSSS West-Central Montreal) covers 345,000 people, with a staff of over 12,000 and over 600 doctors. In 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a Connected Health Innovation Hub inside the network was formed to further leverage technologies and innovation for increased healthcare improvement and sustainability.

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F127 Why Do People Go Bankrupt Due To Medical Costs In The US? (Ric Sinclair)

Two-thirds of people who file for bankruptcy in the US cite medical issues as one of the main factors to their financial downfall. Part of the reason is the healthcare costs structure that has shifted towards patients, says Ric Sinclair, the Chief Strategy and Product Officer of Waystar.

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F126 How is Tradition Hindering Health Literacy in Kenya, Tanzania and Malaysia? (Shamala Hinrichsen, Mariatheresa Samson Kadushi)

In developing countries, explanations for health problems or general human biology can be heavily influenced by traditional beliefs. Some communities still believe that during their period, women are cleansing of evil spirits or that a woman giving birth to twins is a bad omen. The solution to these misconceptions is education. But to provide it, health education companies face infrastructure challenges and technology affordability issues.

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F119 How are technologies improving global public health (Dr. Padmini Murthy)

No doubt, mobile technology has brought massive improvements to public health. One of the challenges we still need to overcome though is gender stereotyping. Women also often suffer from inequity in healthcare because they are for many reasons at the bottom of the ladder in their access to even using technology, says Dr. Padmini (Mini) Murthy.

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F115 Primary healthcare digitalisation in New Zealand, Australia, UK and US (Dimitri Varsamis)

Dr. Dimitri Varsamis is Senior Policy Lead for digital primary care at NHS England. End of 2020 he published a report titled Incentives and levers for digitising and integrating primary care in New Zealand, Australia, and the USA - lessons for the UK’s NHS. Dr. Varsamis researched primary care digitalisation prior to the global coronavirus pandemic.

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F105 The state of healthcare digitalization in Australia (Louise Schaper, AIDH)

Australia has a national digital health strategy, which predicts that by 2022 the essential, foundational elements of health information that can be safely accessed, easily utilized, and shared. According to dr. Louise Schaper, CEO of Australasian Institute of Digital Health, there's been a lot of government commitment to invest in digital health.

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F 104 Digital health in Spain and what is a liquid hospital? (Cesar Morcillo Serra)

Sanitas is the leading Spanish health insurance and service provider and have been devoted exclusively to health care for more than 60 years. The Sanitas’ Cima hospital in Barcelona is an exemplar in digital innovation adoption.

Even before COVID, an innovation platform was established which seeks to promote entrepreneurship among employees. Another platform is in place, that aims to attract startup talent in areas such as prevention and genomics, liquid hospital, artificial intelligence, blockchain, data & analytics, and robotics.

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F071 Why is St. Louis a hidden digital health ecosystem gem in the US and the latest about digital health efforts for COVID-19

When Europe became the new epicentre of the Covid-19 spread, and with the steady rise of infected in the US, tech companies offered their knowledge to curb the pandemic: from Covid-19 apps, the rise of telemedicine use in the US, 3D printing in Italy and more efforts to curb the Coronavirus crisis.

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F070 Why is getting sick in the US financially toxic for many people? (Christopher T. Robertson)

As of 2017 healthcare is the leading category of the 78,5 billion in consumer debt collected each year, which is more than 40 times the size of credit card debt. While the number of uninsured is reducing, it is being replaced with the issue of underinsurance. 3 in 10 people reported costs caused them not to take their medicines as prescribed in the past year, writes law professor Christopher T. Robertson in his last book Exposed: Why Our Health Insurance Is Incomplete and What Can Be Done About It.

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