Posts in Patients
F070 Why is getting sick in the US financially toxic for many people? (Christopher T. Robertson)

As of 2017 healthcare is the leading category of the 78,5 billion in consumer debt collected each year, which is more than 40 times the size of credit card debt. While the number of uninsured is reducing, it is being replaced with the issue of underinsurance. 3 in 10 people reported costs caused them not to take their medicines as prescribed in the past year, writes law professor Christopher T. Robertson in his last book Exposed: Why Our Health Insurance Is Incomplete and What Can Be Done About It.

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F026 Cancer and the healing power of storytelling (Martin Inderbitzin, My Survival Story)

Martin believes digital health support solutions are welcome, as many patients, especially men, feel looking for a psychotherapist would be a sign of weakness. Mental health still holds a certain level of stigma and publishing stories and support groups online can reach those that might have been unreachable otherwise.

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